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Grey Color Pen

50,0 €

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Customer Reviews

Very Good Product


Value for money


High-quality workmanship, fits well in the hand. The lead delivers an even typeface. As a fan of high-quality writing instruments, I wanted to test the Scrivenier pen because I needed an EDC pen. Workmanship is very decent, the pen is pleasantly heavy and sits well in the hand. Writes well without blots or dropouts. Comes in a beautiful gift box including a replacement refill. 
Clear purchase recommendation.

Seems very elegant


Value for money


Very exclusive ballpoint pen, beautiful design, very easy to grip. It writes wonderfully with it. 
It’s just another dimension. Kind regards, Schumi07

Lovely weight and nice presentation


Value for money


Was buying it for a gift, when it arrived I checked out the pen and it looks quality and has a very nice balanced weight. Just hope the person who I bought it for enjoys it.